

Minimum Regulation

First Step
Open "B" screw between ½ y 1 lap.
This one acts as the “stoke” at the start up of the engine.

Second Step
Use the "A" screw for minimum regulation to get the accurate running rate.
In case of accidental stops of the engine when an abrupt brake or turn right / left are produced or simply descending the hood, it is necessary to take off sensibility to the regulator.

Second Step
Use the "A" screw for minimum regulation to get the accurate running rate.
In case of accidental stops of the engine when an abrupt brake or turn right / left are produced or simply descending the hood, it is necessary to take off sensibility to the regulator.

In order to do that, close "A" screw until the minimum running rate decrease to 300-400 laps. After this get back the minimum running rate to the initial value moving exclusively "B" screw.

If the vehicle is air conditioned, should be regulated looking for an intermediate point between these two conditions:
1) Air conditioned connected.
2) Air condition disconnected.
Regulation must be done with "A" screw.

Maximum Regulation.
Put the engine to 3500 r.p.m. level and turn the maximum record located in the low pressure circuit between the regulator and the mixer until the moment you note the stability in the engine.
Successively turn the same screw in the anti clock way until you do not get an increase in number of revolutions of the engine.
In that moment it is not necessary to continue turning the screw in that anti clock way, cause it will only produce a major consumption and none yield increase.